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Crime Victim Counselling

Some Austrian Provinces offer crime victim counselling by lawyers.

Some have set up a hotline through which contact with a lawyer can be established. For more detailed information about the time and place of crime victim counselling, please contact the bar of the Province where you reside in Austria.

For what purpose?

Crime victims are under a great deal of emotional pressure and often fear that they will not be able to face the offender if they report to the police. 

The crime victim counselling service will answer questions that arise in such a situation, for example:

  • What rights do I have as a victim in court?
  • Do I have to face the offender, e.g. when giving testimony?
  • To what extent could my privacy rights be infringed before the court?
  • Should I report to the police?
  • Is there a chance of getting damages? etc.

For further information, please contact your bar.

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