Arrest Hotline
The hotline to the stand-by legal counselling service for arrested suspects is available 24/7 and can be called free of charge from anywhere in Austria at
0800 376 386
For which cases?
If a person is strongly suspected of having committed a criminal offence due to specific facts and circumstances and investigation proceedings have been initiated, or coercion is exercised against him on the grounds of that suspicion, he is charged in criminal proceedings and under Section 49 (2) of the Austrian Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafprozessordnung) has the right to choose a defence counsel.
For that purpose the Austrian Bar together with the Ministry of Justice provide a stand-by service for arrested suspects. Depending on the specific case, the service includes a telephone or personal consultation with a lawyer and, if necessary, legal assistance during an interrogation, etc. Via the above-mentioned hotline, which is available 24/7, you can reach a defence lawyer immediately.
What are the costs involved in calling in a lawyer?
The first call and the first telephone consultation are free of charge. All other services must be paid for and will be charged at an hourly rate of € 187,- plus VAT and accounted for in 15-minute increments. The flat hourly rate covers any actual intervention of a defence lawyer within the scope of the service, i.e. including telephone consultations and trips to and from police stations and other places. If the court appoints a legal aid lawyer for the criminal proceedings, the fee will provisionally not be charged.
For more details please see the information leaflet (soon available in several languages - see below), which may be downloaded; the related power of attorney is also available to download.
The following documents can be downloaded:
- Vollmachtserklärung im Rahmen des rechtsanwaltlichen Bereitschaftsdienstes
Letter of authority - available in German only
[PDF 54 KB]

- Rechtsanwaltlicher Bereitschaftsdienst
Information leaflet German
[PDF 119 KB]

- Shërbimi i avokatëve kujdestarë (“thirrje urgjente mbrojtësit”)
Information leaflet Albanian
[PDF 117 KB]

- الخدمة القضائية الإحتياطية
Information leaflet Arabic
[PDF 473 KB]

- Dežurna služba advokata („dežurni telefon advokata za hitne slučajeve“)
Information leaflet Bosnian
[PDF 116 KB]

- Дежурна Правна помощ („Спешно телефонно обаждане на Съдебни Защитници”)
Information leaflet Bulgarian
[PDF 93 KB]

- اطلاعیه وزارت دادگستری خدمات مشاوره حقوقی تلفنی - شماره اضطراری وکیل مدافع
Information leaflet dari / farsi
[PDF 147 KB]

- On-Call Legal Service („Defence Hotline“)
Information leaflet English
[PDF 110 KB]

- Service de permanence des avocats („appel de détresse au défenseur“)
Information leaflet French
[PDF 112 KB]

- იურიდიული ლოდინის სერვისი ("დამცველის გადაუდებელი ზარი")
Information leaflet Georgian
[PDF 73 KB]

- Servizio di avvocato ("Chiamata di soccorso al difensore")
Information leaflet Italian
[PDF 85 KB]

- Odvjetnička dežurna služba („linija branitelja u hitnom slučaju“)
Information leaflet Croatian
[PDF 116 KB]

- Dyżur adwokacki („adwokat dyżurny“)
Information leaflet Polish
[PDF 121 KB]

- Serviciu avocaţional de gardă („Apel de urgenţă apărător“)
Information leaflet Romanian
[PDF 245 KB]

- Адвокатская дежурная служба („Срочный звонок защитнику“)
Information leaflet Russian
[PDF 118 KB]

- Služba dežurnih branilaca („Služba za hitan poziv branioca“)
Information leaflet Serbian
[PDF 120 KB]

- Stála advokátska služba („Núdzový kontakt na obhajcu“)
Information leaflet Slovak
[PDF 121 KB]

- El servicio de letrados de turno („la llamada de urgencia de defensores“)
Information leaflet Spanish
[PDF 2 MB]

- Advokátní pohotovostní služba („nouzové volání obhájce“)
Information leaflet Czech
[PDF 70 KB]

- Beklemedeki avukat hizmeti („Savunma avukatı acil durum çağrısı“)
Information leaflet Turkish
[PDF 124 KB]

- Ügyvédi készenléti szolgálat („védő segélyhívó“)
Information leaflet Hungarian
[PDF 77 KB]