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International Contacts

The Austrian Bar is a member of

  • CCBE (Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe)
    Rue Joseph II, 40 / 8, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
    Tel.: +32-2-234 65 10, Fax: +32-2-234 65 11
    E-Mail: ccbe@ccbe.eu

It is therefore not only possible to contribute to the development of professional rules and regulations for lawyers in the EU, but also to be involved in the shaping of European legislation.

The Austrian Bar liaises with the world-wide organisations of lawyers

  • IBA (International Bar Association)
    5 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1LG, United Kingdom
    Tel.: 0044 (0) 20 7842 0090
    e-mail: iba@int-bar.org or member@int-bar.org
  • UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats)
    9 rue du Quatre-Septembre
    75002 Paris - France
    Tel.: 0033 1 44 88 55 66
    e-mail: uiacentre@uianet.org
  • AIJA (Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats)
    Avenue de Tervueren 231, 1150 Bruxelles, Belgium
    Tel.: 0032 2 347 33 34, Fax: 0032 2 347 55 22
    e-mail: office@aija.org
  • DACH e.V. (Europäische Anwaltsvereinigung)
    Klosbachstraße 110, 8030 Zürich, Schweiz
    Tel.: +41-1-252 66 88, Fax: +41-1-252 63 90
    e-mail: info@dach-ra.de

Conferences of those organisations are regularly attended by Austrian lawyers and provide advanced training in the field of international law.

The Secretariat General of the Austrian Bar has access to numerous international registers of lawyers and other information and is thus able to provide information on foreign lawyers (including lawyers communicating in German).

European Presidents' Conference of Lawyers' Organisations:

Every year the European Presidents' Conference of Lawyers' takes place in Vienna. Vienna has thereby become a centre of advocacy. Austrian lawyers are able to rely on a comprehensive network of international contacts, which they make available to their clients with access to international legal relations. For further information please see www.e-p-k.at.

You may also contact the following Bar Associations directly:

Europäische Rechtsanwaltsorganisationen - European Lawyers' Organisations

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